Predictive Analytics | ExentAI

Predictive Analytics

Analyse current and historical data to predict future events

Large scale analysis of big data, statistical algorithms, machine learning and deep learning techniques can be used to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data analysis. Predictive analytics aims to understand what has happened in the past and provides a best assessment of what will happen in the future. Businesses can use predictive analytics to reduce risks, optimise operations and increase revenue. For example, huge amounts of data with predictive analytics has been used in the financial industry to detect fraud, calculate credit risk and retain customers. Retailers can use it to analyze the effectiveness of promotional events and determine which offers are most appropriate for customers. Classification and Regression models are used in machine learning to perform predictions and the most used modeling techniques are decision trees, linear regression and neural networks. We work with businesses to achieve this in a series of steps including data gathering, data pre-processing, variable selection, model building and continuous integration and deploying.